What skills to hone? LinkedIn tells us: observing the trend of the job market, the popular business platform has recently compiled the hardest and soft skills required.

What emerged? That in the next 12 months, companies will have a dire need for specific skills in data analytics, marketing and mobile . And that, of course, technology will dominate.

The “must-have” hard skills

It is one of the most common questions: “what will be the profession of the future?”. Thanks to LinkedIn projections we will not only know which roles will be the most sought after but also which skills will need to be perfected to emerge.

To secure a front-row seat in the selection interviews, make sure you have one of the following skills.

  1. Cloud and distributed computing. The top professions? Platform engineer and cloud architect. What do they do? To design and implement cloud architectures, on which to place entire information systems.
  2. Statistical analysis and data mining. The big data trend shows no signs of stopping and knowing how to interpret the data will be one of the key skills of the current year.
  3. Middleware and Integration Software. Here are two key skills to encourage intermediation between different information systems and connect complex platforms.
  4. Web Architecture and Development Framework.
  5. User Interface Design. Not only optimized: a website must also be usable and easy to navigate. The UI Designer takes care of this: a role that designs intuitive navigation paths and that makes the platforms usable and friendly.
  6. Software Revision Control Systems. An extremely technical skill, based on knowledge of the code, essential for a developer or programmer.
  7. Data Presentation. Interpreting the data is no longer enough: you need to have specific methods of analysis, processing and  presentation of results, with graphic design tips.
  8. SEO / SEM Marketing. The importance of web marketing is growing and the search for professionals capable of promoting a brand on the main digital platforms is growing.
  9. Mobile Development. Data traffic is moving towards mobile consumption: therefore, professionals specialized in the development of components for mobile applications on different platforms become highly sought after.
  10. Network and Information Security. It is on the network that all corporate information is stored. It is, therefore, no surprise that the 10th place among the most sought after hard skills is the ability to guarantee maximum network security and information protection.

The War Of The Skills Clouds – JOSH BERSIN

Not just hard: here are the soft skills to train

Do you have any of the skills mentioned above? Before singing victory, know that almost 60% of international leaders said that soft skills are far more important than hard.

What aspects of your character will you need to train? The attitude to leadership, the ability to communicate in the best possible way, the spirit of team working and, last but not least, the ability to manage time, to optimize work effort.

A pool of transversal skills to respond “present” to the current market demand.


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